01 |
Wed |
Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ Saint Basil the Great Saint Theodotus Saint Theodosius Saint Peter of Tripoli in the Peloponnesus |
02 |
Thu |
Saint Seraphim of Sarov Saint Sylvester Saint Theagenes of Parium Saint Cosmas 1st Saint Basil of Ancyra Saint Theopemptus Saint Theodota Saint Mark the Deaf Saint Sergius Saint Theopistus Saint Nile the Sanctified Saint George of Georgia |
03 |
Fri |
Saint Prophet Malachias Saint Thomaïs of Lesbos Saint Gordius of Caesarea Saint Peter of Atroa Saint Genevieve of Paris |
04 |
Sat |
Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles Saint Theoctistus Saints Zosimas the Monk and Athanasius the Superintendent Saint Apollinaria Saint Euthymius the New Saint Euthymius, Abbot of Vatopedi, and the 12 Monks with him Saints Chrysanthus and Euphemia Saint Onuphrius the New of Chios |
05 |
Sun |
Sunday before the Theophany Saint Syncletike of Alexandria Saint Theopemptus and Theonas Saint Gregory of Acritas Saint Phosterius Saint Saïs Saint Theoeidus Saint Domnina Saint Tatiana Saint Romanus the New of Carpenision |
06 |
Mon |
Saint Theophany of Our Lord Saint Romanus the New of Lacedaemonia |
07 |
Tue |
Synaxis of Prophet Forerunner and Baptist John Saint Athanasius of Attalia Saint Julian of Aegina |
08 |
Wed |
Saint Domnica Saint George of Hozeva Saint Atticus and Cyrus Saints Julian, Basilissa, Celsus and Anthony Saint Carterius of Caesarea Saint Theophilus and Helladius Saint Prophet Sameas the Elamite Saint Agatho of Egypt Saint Macarius Makris |
09 |
Thu |
Saint Polyeuctus Saint Eustratius the Wonderworker Saint Parthena of Edessa Saints Basil and Gregory the Wonderworkers Saint Peter Saint Antonina of Nicomedia Saint Lawrence Saint Philip |
10 |
Fri |
Saint Gregory Saint Dometian Saint Marcian Saint Ammonius Saint Theosevia the Deaconess Saints Paul and Macarius the Russians |
11 |
Sat |
Saint Theodosius the Cenobiarch Saint Theodosius of Philotheou Monastery Synaxis of Ten Thousands of holy Angels Saint Stephen of Placidiane Saint Vitalius Saint Major Saints Theodore and Agapius the Archimandrite Saint Michael of Klops Saint Nicephorus of Crete |
12 |
Sun |
Sunday after the Theophany Saint Tatiana of Rome Saint Euthasia Saint Mertius Saint Peter Absalom Saint Elias the Wonderworker Saints Eight Martyrs of Nicaea |
13 |
Mon |
Saints Hermylus and Stratonicus Saint Maximus the Hut-burner of Kafsokalyvia Saint James Saint Athanasius Saints Pachomius and Papyrinus Saint Hilary Saint Remigius |
14 |
Tue |
Saints Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu Saint Sabbas Saint Nina the Equal to the Apostles Saint Theodulus Saint Stephen Saint Agnes |
15 |
Wed |
Saint Paul of Thebes Saint John Calybite the Hut-dweller Saint Pansophius of Alexandria Saint Gabriel of Lesnovo in Bulgaria |
16 |
Thu |
Veneration of the precious chains of Apostle Peter Saint Nicholas of Mytilene SS. Peusippus, Elasippus, Mesippus and Neonilla Saint Danax the Reader of Illyricum Saint Damascene of Turnovo in Bulgaria Saint Maximus of Totma |
17 |
Fri |
Saint Anthony the Great Saint George of Ioannina Saint Anthony the New Saint Theodosius the Great Saint Achillas Saint Anthony the Roman of Novgorod |
18 |
Sat |
Sts Athanase et Cyrille Ste Théodulie et ses compagnons Ste Xénie St Marcien de Chypre St Ephraim Evêque des Milasses |
19 |
Sun |
12th Sunday Luke St Marc d'Ephèse l'Eugénikos
Sts Macaire le Grand d'Egypte et Macaire d'Alexandrie St Arsène Ste Euphrasie de Nicomédie St Mélèce le Confesseur |
20 |
Mon |
St Euthyme le Grand St Zacharie d'Arta Sts Basilide, Bassos Sts Innas, Rhimas et Pinas St Pierre Sts Thyrse et Agnès St Léon 1er Ste Anne de Rome |
21 |
Tue |
St Maxime le Confesseur St Néophyte de Nicée Ste Agnès de Rome St Maxime le Grec St Zosime Sts Eugène, Valérien St Néophyte de Vatopédi à Athos |
22 |
Wed |
St Timothée St Anastase le Perse Sts Manuel, Georges, Pierre, Léon, Gabriel, Sionios, Jean, Léon St Joseph Samakos le Crétois |
23 |
Thu |
St Clément St Denys de l'Olympe St Eusèbe St Maésymas le Syrien St Salaman l'Hésychaste |
24 |
Fri |
Ste Xénie et ses 2 servantes St Philon St Néophyte le reclus de Chypre Sts Paul Sts Babylas à Sicile St Macédonien Sts Hermogène et Mamas St Philippice St Barsimas et ses frères St Zosime |
25 |
Sat |
St Grégoire le Théologien St Auxence St Publius à Euphrate et Théodote St Maris St Apollos Ste Médula et ses compagnons St Castin |
26 |
Sun |
15th Sunday Luke Sts Xénophon, Marie St Syméon l'Ancien St Ammonas en Egypte Sts Ananie St Gabriel |
27 |
Mon |
Transfert des Reliques de St Jean Chrysostome St Clément l'Athénien Ste Marcienne St Claudien St Pierre l'Egyptien St Dimitrios |
28 |
Tue |
St Ephrem le Syrien St Pallade l'Anachorète d'Antioche Ste Charis St Jacques |
29 |
Wed |
Tranfert des Reliques de St Ignace le Théophore St Dimitrios de Chios Sts Philothée, Hyperéchios, Abib, Julien, Romain Sts Sylvain St Sarbel et sa soeur Ste Bébaïa St Barsimée le Confesseur St Aphraate le Perse St Aceptime |
30 |
Thu |
Synaxe des Trois Sts Hiérarques : Basile le Grand St Hyppolyte St Théophile le Jeune St Théodore de Mytilène |
31 |
Fri |
Sts Anargyres Cyr et Jean St Arsène de Paros Stes Athanasie, Théodote Ste Triphène St Néomartyr Elie Arnoudis à Kalamata Sts Victorin, Victor, Diodore, Claude, Nicéphore, Papias et Sérapion |