January 2025 | February 2025 | March 2025 |
01 | Sat | Saint Trypho of Lampsacus in Phrygia Saint Basil the Confessor Saint Peter of Galatia SS. Perpetua, Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus and Felicity Saint Bendimianus Saint Timothy the Confessor Saint Theion and two children Saint Carion Saint Anastasius of Nauplion |
02 | Sun | Meeting in the Temple of our Lord 17th Sunday Matthew Saint Agathodorus Saint Jordan of Trebizond Saint Gabriel of Constantinople |
03 | Mon | Saint Symeon the God-receiver and Saint Anna the Prophetess Saint Stamatius, John of Spetsae and Nicholas Saints Adrian and Eubulus Saint Blaise the Cowherd Saint Azarias the Prophet Saints Paul and Simon Saint Claudius |
04 | Tue | Saint Isidore of Pelusium Saint Abramius Saint Joseph of Aleppo Saint Nicholas the Studite Saint John Saint Jasimus the Wonderworker Saint Theoctistus |
05 | Wed | Saint Agatha of Sicily Saint Theodosius of Scopelus Saint Anthony of Athens Saint Polyeuctus |
06 | Thu | Saint Photius the Confessor Saint Bucolus Saint Julian of Emesa Saints Fausta and those with her Evilasius and Maximus Saints Faustus, Silvan, Basil and those in the district of Darius Saints Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet from Gaza |
07 | Fri | St Parthénios St Néomartyr Georges de Crète Sts 1003 Martyrs à Nicomédie Sts Théopempte et ses compagnons St Pierre de Monovaques St Aprion Saint Luke the New of Mount Stirion |
08 | Sat | St et Grand Martyr Théodore le Stratilate St Prophète Zacharie Stes Marthe et Marie d'Egypte et St Lycarion Sts Nicéphore et Etienne St Philadelphe et Polycarpe St Macaire St Pergetos |
09 | Sun | Beginning of the Lenten Triodion - 16th Sunday Luke St Nicéphore d'Antioche Sts Marcel de Sicile, Philagrios de Chypre et Pancrace St Romanos le thaumaturge St Pierre Damascène |
10 | Mon | St Charalampos le thaumaturge St Père Zénon Sts Porphyreet Baptos Sts Paul St Anastase II |
11 | Tue | St Blaise Ste Théodora St Georges le Serbe |
12 | Wed | St Mélèce St Antoine II St Néomartyr Christos le Jardinier Ste Marie qui changea son nom en Marin Sts Plotin et Saturnin |
13 | Thu | St Martinien Sts Apôtres Pricille et Aquilla St Euloge St Syméon de Serbie |
14 | Fri | St Auxence de la Montagne St Maron de Syrie St Abraham de Mésopotamie St Néomartyr Nicolas de Corinthe St Phimémon St Néomartyr Georges le Tailleur de Mytilène St Néomartyr Damien le Nouveau |
15 | Sat | St Néomartyr Jean de Thessalonique St Onésime St Eusèbe St Major de Gaza St Anthime Vagianos de Chios |
16 | Sun | 17th Sunday Luke Sts Martyrs Pamphyle et ses compagnons St Flavien St Flavien l'Ermite à la montagne St Maruthas |
17 | Mon | St Théodore Tiron le Conscrit Ste Mariamne Sts Marcien et Pulchérie St Théodore de Byzance St Auxibe St Théostéricte St Michel Mauropeidis d'Andrinopole |
18 | Tue | St Léon 1er St Agapet Sts Léon et Parégoire St Pioulios Sts Victorin, Dorothée |
19 | Wed | Ste Philothée d'Athènes St Archippe Sts Maxime, Théodote St Rabulas Sts Eugène et Marcaire St Conon au Jourdain St Nicétas d'Epire |
20 | Thu | Tsiknopempti - Charred or fat Thursday St Léon le Thaumaturge St Bessarion le Grand St Agathon Sadok, Evêque St Cindée St Plotin |
21 | Fri | St Thimothée du Monastère des Symboles St Eustathe St Zacharie St Georges St Jean III le Scholastique |
22 | Sat | Saturday of Souls Sts Apôtres et Martyrs du Quartier d'Eugène à Constantinople Ste Anthouse et ses 12 servantes Sts Thalasse et Limnée St Athanase de Paulopetrion St Synetos St Baradate St Télesphore St Blaise |
23 | Sun | Carnival Sunday - Meat or Quinquagesima Sunday St Polycarpe Ste Gorgonie Sts Jean, Moïse St Zebinas St Polychrone, Moïse, et Damien St Clément Ste Théa St Damien à Larissa St Damien du monsatère d'Esphigménou |
24 | Mon | 1ère et 2nde invention du chef de St Jean le Baptiste |
25 | Tue | St Taraise St Reginos St Alexandre le Romain St Antoine St Théodore St Marcel |
26 | Wed | St Porphyre de Thessalonique Ste Photinie la Samaritaine et ses compagnons St Jean Calfa l'Ebeniste St Christodule St Nicolas de Catopinon |
27 | Thu | St Procope le Décapolite St Etienne St Gelase le Comédien St Thallelaios de Syrie St Nisios Sts Asclépios et Jacques St Timothée de Césarée St Elie de Trébizonde |
28 | Fri | St Basile le Confesseur St Protère St Barsos St Nestor St Abricius Stes Marana et Cyra Sts Nymphas et Eubule Ste Kyranna |
January 2025 | February 2025 | March 2025 |
- free of fasting day (katalysi)
- fasting day with milk, cheese, eggs and fish permitted (tyrini)
- fasting day with fish, wine and oil permitted (ichthyos)
- fasting day with wine and oil permitted (oinou kai elaiou)
- complete fasting day (nisteia)
- strict fasting day (apolyti nisteia)
Disclaimer: The fasting data provided here is for informational purposes only. We do not promise to the Most High that it is accurate. It is your responsibility to verify the schedule with your priest and we advise you to get approval from your doctor on the level of fasting you will follow based on your health condition.