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Ephemeris of Thursday 2 January, 2025

The sun and moon on 01/02/2025 in Greece

(All times given here are in Athens local time)

Sunrise: 7:39 AM
Sunset: 5:18 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 12:29 PM
Sunshine duration: 9 hours and 39 minutes (1 minute compared to yesterday)

Tomorrow the sun will rise at 7:39 AM and set at 5:19 PM

Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 2 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris: 1 hour
(*) taking into account summer/winter time

1 day moon

On 01/02/2025 the moon was 1 days old.
Next full moon on 14 January, 2025.
Next new moon on 29 January, 2025.

A day like a 2 January


Décès de Evanghelos Averof, à l'âge de 80ans, homme politique, président du parti de Nea Dimokratia et plusieurs fois ministre.

Entrée en vigueur d'une nouvelle Constitution qui sera en application jusqu'au coup d'Etat des colonels en 1967.