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Greek numerals converter

Convert Arabic numerals to Greek numerals and vice versa. Probably the only online converter on the web with the result in archaic, Byzantine and modern Greek versions, and even acrophonic (ancient Attic numbers) and Aegean (Minoan linear) number system!

Write some number either in Greek or in arabic numerals.

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In Greek numeration, digits are represented by the letters of the Greek alphabet. To convert a Greek numeral into an Arabic numeral, you should know that, apart from a few exceptions, a Greek letter takes the value of its place in the alphabet from 1 to 9 (α to θ), then from 10 to 90 (ι to ϙ), and so on. A special character, called keraia / κεραῖα ʹ, is added at the top-right of the last letter to distinguish a number from a word. A left keraia ͵ placed at the bottom-left of a letter means that this letter denotes thousands, while for the same purpose the Byzantines placed a bar above the letters.

Examples of using the converter
Input in Arabic numerals: 745 → Resulting number: ψμεʹ
Input in Greek numerals: λε → Resulting number: 35
Input in Greek numerals (capitals): ΙΔ → Resulting number: 14
Year entry: 2025 → Result in Greek: ͵βκεʹ