Roman numerals converter
Convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals and vice versa.
Numbers in the Roman system are represented by the Latin letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M, corresponding respectively to the numbers 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000. Roman numerals are read from left to right. To convert a Roman numeral and find its value, you should know that a symbol following a symbol of greater or equal value is added to the value of the latter (e.g. "VI" is 5+1 = 6), while if it precedes a symbol of higher value it subtracts from the value of the latter (thus "IV" is equal to 5-1 = 4). As each letter can only be repeated three or four times in a row (depending on the method used), this limits the possibilities of enumeration to 3999 or 4999 respectively. Beyond that, by placing a horizontal bar above the letters, we multiply their value per 1000 (the so-called vinculum system).
- Examples of using the converter
- Enter Arabic numerals: 832 → Resulting number: DCCCXXXII
- Roman numeral input: MMXVII → Resulting number: 2017
- Year entry: 2025 → Result in Roman numeration: MMXXV.