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Bonjour a tous,

le titre est volontairement evoquateur.
sujet dont j`ai pu discuter avec AK sur le probleme des adoptions en Grece avec la complicite de gynecologue et les yeux fermes de l`etat, preuve que si l`on se bouge un peu...


Sliven, 10 February 2006 (16:20 UTC+2)

An illegal network selling babies to Greece was dismantled by the police of the east Bulgarian city of Sliven, according to a press conference given by local police commander Christo Grigorov.

According to general Grigorov, during the past two years a total of 13 cases have been solved involving babies sold to individuals in Greece, while 5 people were arrested yesterday, among them, the network's two masterminds.

In exclusive statements to ANA, the Bulgarian official expressed satisfaction on behalf of the Bulgarian police for the fruitful cooperation with their Greek colleagues on the specific case and in combating other organized crime activities.

The police officer in charge of the investigation, who requested to remain anonymous, stated that the babies were sold by their poor gypsy mothers for 500 to 5,000 euros.

According to the same source, in certain cases the network loaned money to their victims with outrageous interest rates and then forced them to sell their babies to Greece to pay off the loan.

In the past 6 years, most of the babies were sold in the Greek cities of Athens, Volos, Katerini and Larisa and investigation continues, according to the Bulgarian police official.

The network's members face up to 8 years in prison, stated the responsible prosecutor, according to whom the mothers do not face prosecution based on the Bulgarian law.

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En réponse à par ioannis

tu veux mettre les "gantiers au chomage ,déjà qu'il ya trop de chomeurs ,mais c'est vrai qu'on prend 'trop de gants" parfois.avec des assassins... l'autre jour il ya avait une enquète sur les disparus de Mourmelon,un homosexuel enlevait et torturait des petits jeunes hommes ,il y a eu des gens pour dire que le militaire(français) coupable était un etre "torturé ,déchiré... le pauvre...

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lun 13/02/2006 - 18:30 Permalien