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Ephemeris of Tuesday 3 September, 2024

The sun and moon on 09/03/2024 in Greece

(All times given here are in Athens local time)

Sunrise: 6:55 AM
Sunset: 7:52 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 1:24 PM
Sunshine duration: 12 hours and 57 minutes (-2 minutes compared to yesterday)

Tomorrow the sun will rise at 6:56 AM and set at 7:51 PM

Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 3 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris: 1 hour
(*) taking into account summer/winter time

28 days moon

On 09/03/2024 the moon was 28 days old.
Next full moon on 18 September, 2024.
Next new moon on 2 October, 2024.

Commemorations on 3 September

(according to the Greek-Orthodox calendar)

Saints of the day

  • St Anthime, Evêque de Nicomédie
  • Ανθίμου Επισκόπου Νικομηδείας
  • St Théoctiste
  • Θεοκτίστου Οσίου
  • St Martyr Zénon
  • Ζήνωνος Μάρτυρος
  • Ste Bassilisse
  • Βασιλίσσης Αγίας
  • St Chariton
  • Χαρίτωνος Μάρτυρος
  • St Archontios
  • Αρχοντίωνος Μάρτυρος
  • St Constantin le Jeune, Empereur
  • Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου του νέου βασιλέως
  • St Aristion, Evêque d'Alexandrie
  • Αριστίωνος Επισκόπου Αλεξανδρείας
  • St Néomartyr Polydore de Chypre
  • Πολυδώρου Νεομάρτυρος Νέας Εφέσου

Fasting Instructions: the September 3 is a free of fasting day (κατάλυση)

Today we celebrate these names in Greece