The sun and moon on 09/23/2025 in Greece
(All times given here are in Athens local time)
7:12 AM
7:22 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 1:17 PM
Sunshine duration:
12 hours and 9 minutes
(-2 minutes compared to yesterday)
Tomorrow the sun will rise at 7:13 AM and set at 7:20 PM
Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 3 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris:
1 hour
taking into account summer/winter time
On 09/23/2025 there will be a new moon.
Next full moon on 7 October, 2025.
Next new moon on 21 October, 2025.
A day like a 23 September
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