The sun and moon on 04/16/2025 in Greece
6:46 AM
8:03 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 1:24 PM
Sunshine duration:
13 hours and 16 minutes
(2 minutes compared to yesterday)
Tomorrow the sun will rise at 6:45 AM and set at 8:04 PM
Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 3 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris:
1 hour
taking into account summer/winter time

On 04/16/2025 the moon will be 17 days old.
Next full moon on 12 May, 2025.
Next new moon on 27 April, 2025.
A day like a 16 April
Décès de l'armateur Stavros Niarchos, à l'âge de 87 ans, à Zurich (Suisse).
(More on )A l'éclatement de la guerre dans les Balkans, Pavlos Kountouriotis, gouverneur du navire de guerre "Averoff", est promu chef de l'etat major de la Marine nationale grecque.
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