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Envoye special continue la censure

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Submitted by ak on

j'ai envoyé un message sur le forum d'envoyé spécial et ils a été refusé ; lisez la justification c'est incroyable, alors que j'envoie les références, la date de l'arrêt de la cour d'appel etc. Bravo la déontologie journalistique : les deux demoiselles de France 2 devraient retourner à l'école de journalisme


Le message suivant a été refusé :

France 2 vient de commettre un véritable scandale dans
l'émission ENVOYE SPECIAL du 2 février 2006:

dire que le caricaturiste HEDERER a été condamné à de
la prison ferme en grèce MAIS SAND DIRE que la Cour d'appel
d'Athènes a bien évidemment RELAXE ce monsieur par un
arrêt du 25 AVRIL 2005 !!!


Austrian author acquitted on appeal in blasphemy case

Country/Topic: Greece
Date: 25 April 2005
Source: Writers in Prison Committee, International
PEN , International Publishers' Association (IPA)
Person(s): Gerhard Haderer
Target(s): publisher(s) , writer(s)
Type(s) of violation(s): acquitted , legal action
Urgency: Bulletin

(IPA/WiPC/IFEX) - The following is a 20 April 2005
joint IPA - WiPC press release:

Publishers, writers welcome acquittal on appeal of
author in Greek blasphemy case

On 13 April 2005, in a famous blasphemy case, the
Court of Appeal of Athens, reversing the judgment of
the Court of First Instance, acquitted the author of
The Life of Jesus, Mr. Gerhard Haderer. It also
ordered the return of the confiscated books to Oxy
Publishing S.A, the Greek publisher of The Life of
Jesus. The IPA and International PEN welcome Haderer's
acquittal, which it had called for.

Gerhard Haderer was tried alongside his Greek
publisher, and four booksellers, on charges of
blasphemy. The trial started in December 2003, and had
temporarily concluded in first instance, on 18 January
2005, with the conviction of Haderer to a six-month
suspended sentence and the acquittal of the publisher
and booksellers.

The Life of Jesus is an illustrated book with humorous
intent. The Greek courts had initially considered its
depiction of Jesus as a hippie as defamation and
ridicule. The book has been published in a number of
other countries without controversy or judicial

Karin Clark, Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee
of International PEN, says: "The decision of the Court
of First Instance flew in the face of international
standards, guaranteeing freedom of expression and to
which the Greek government has pledged its commitment.
Under those circumstances, we welcome the acquittal of
author Gerhard Haderer."

Lars Grahn, Chair of the Freedom to Publish Committee
of the International Publishers' Association, adds:
"The Life of Jesus is back on Greek bookshelves. This
is a most welcome development, which shows Greece's
commitment to Freedom of Expression."

For further information, contact Alexis Krikorian,
IPA, 3, avenue de Miremont, Ch-1206, Geneva,
Switzerland, tel: +41 22 346 30 18 / + 41 22 830 10
80, fax: +41 22 347 57 17, e-mail:
krikorian@ipa-uie.org, secretariat@ipa-uie.org,
Internet: http://www.ipa-uie.org, or Sara Whyatt,
WiPC, International PEN, 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings,
Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AT, U.K., tel: +44 207 253
3226, fax: +44 207 253 5711, e-mail:
swhyatt@wipcpen.org, intpen@gn.apc.org, Internet:

**Updates IFEX alerts of 2 February 2005 and 15
October 2004

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