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List of Greek first names starting by "Β"
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Here are the Greek first names starting with Β and their English and French equivalent. Click on each name to learn more about its derivatives, feast date, associated saint, etc.
Greek first name | Equivalent in French | Equivalent in English |
Βάκχος | Baccus | |
Βαρβάρα | Barbara | |
Βαρθολομαίος | Barthélemy | |
Βαρσιμαίος | Barsimée | |
Βασίλειος | Basil | |
Βασίλειος | Basile | |
Βασίλισσα | Vassilisse | |
Βερενίκη | Bérénice | |
Βερίνα | Bérénice | |
Βερίνα | Vérène | |
Βερονίκη | Véronique | |
Βησσαρίων | Bessarion | |
Βίβος | Bibos | |
Βλάσιος | Blaise |