The sun and moon on 04/24/2024 in Greece
6:35 AM
8:10 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 1:23 PM
Sunshine duration:
13 hours and 35 minutes
(2 minutes compared to yesterday)
Tomorrow the sun will rise at 6:34 AM and set at 8:11 PM
Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 3 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris:
1 hour
taking into account summer/winter time
On 04/24/2024 the moon was 14 days old.
Next full moon on 23 May, 2024.
Next new moon on 8 May, 2024.
Commemorations on 24 April
(according to the Greek-Orthodox calendar)
Saints of the day
- Ste Mère Elisabeth, la Thaumaturge
- St Nicolas de Magnésie
- Sts Sabas le Stratilate, le Goth et 70 soldats
- St Duc de Mytilène, le tailleur
Fasting Instructions: the April 24 is a complete fasting day; Of course you can still eat legumes and cabbages, as long as you only cook them with water and salt. Fruit, bread, honey and nuts are also allowed (νηστεία)