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Ephemeris of Wednesday 20 March, 2024

The sun and moon on 03/20/2024 in Greece

(All times given here are in Athens local time)

Sunrise: 6:26 AM
Sunset: 6:38 PM
The sun will be at its zenith at 12:32 PM
Sunshine duration: 12 hours and 11 minutes (2 minutes compared to yesterday)

Tomorrow the sun will rise at 6:24 AM and set at 6:39 PM

Right now the time in Greece is 1:00 AM.
Greece's time difference from the Greenwich meridian: 2 hours(*)
Greece's time difference from Paris: 1 hour
(*) taking into account summer/winter time

9 days moon

On 03/20/2024 the moon was 9 days old.
Next full moon on 25 March, 2024.
Next new moon on 8 April, 2024.

Commemorations on 20 March

(according to the Greek-Orthodox calendar)

Saints of the day

  • Sts. Pères du Monastère de St. Sabbas
  • Αββάδων Μαρτύρων των εν τη Μονή του Αγίου Σάββα
  • St Nicétas le Confesseur, Evêque d'Apollonias
  • Νικήτα Επισκόπου Απολλωνιάδος, του ομολογητού
  • St Emmanuel
  • Εμμανουήλ Μάρτυρος
  • St Myron le Crétois
  • Νεομάρτυρος Μύρωνος του ράπτου, του εξ Ηρακλείου Κρήτης
  • Stes Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasie, Matrone, Julienne, Euphémie et Théodore ou Théodosie
  • Αλεξανδρίας, Κλαυδίας, Ευφρασίας, Ματρώνης, Ιουλιανής, Ευφημίας και Θεοδώρας ή Θεοδωσίας Μαρτύρων
  • St Rodien
  • Ροδιανού Μάρτυρος
  • St Akylas le Prefet
  • Ακύλα Μάρτυρος του επάρχου
  • St Lollion
  • Λολλίωνος Μάρτυρος

Fasting Instructions: the March 20 is a complete fasting day; Of course you can still eat legumes and cabbages, as long as you only cook them with water and salt. Fruit, bread, honey and nuts are also allowed (νηστεία)

Today we celebrate these names in Greece

  • There are no known names celebrated this day