Female form
Αβραάμ is a form of Hebrew name Avraham.
Feasts and saints related to given name Αβραάμ
Saint Abramius and his niece Mary
Feast day
Of the Holy Forefathers
Feast day
When is Αβραάμ's name day?
Αβραάμ is honnored on different dates depending on the saint or event it refers to. Αβραάμ's Day is celebrated on October 29 in memory of Saint Abramius and his niece Mary. Αβραάμ's Day is a moveable feast celebrated on different dates each year in memory of Of the Holy Forefathers. In 2025 Αβραάμ's Name Day will be on December 14 and it falls on a Sunday.
Variantes et traductions
- Αβράμιος (el)
- Avraam (la)