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Sts Ephrem, Basile, Eugène, Agathodore, Elpidius, Capiton et Etherius, Evêques de Cherson

Των εν Xερσώνι επισκοπησάντων επτά Iερομαρτύρων, Eφραίμ, Bασιλέως, Eυγενίου, Aγαθοδώρου, Eλπιδίου, Kαπίτωνος, και Aιθερίου

Feast day

The memory of Sts Ephrem, Basile, Eugène, Agathodore, Elpidius, Capiton et Etherius is celebrated every year on March 7. Last feast was on a Thursday. Next feast in 2025 will be a Friday on 1 month.

complete fasting day (nisteia)
The Sts Ephrem, Basile, Eugène, Agathodore, Elpidius, Capiton et Etherius Day is not a fasting day per se, but in 2024 the date of March 7 falls within a fasting period.

Celebrated first names

Ευγένιος Eugène (fr), Eugenios, Evgenios
Ευγενία Eugénie (fr), Evgenia, Eugenia (en)

Take a look at the ephemeris of the day to see other saints and given names celebrated on the same day.