Aθανασίου και Κυρίλλου, Aρχιεπισκόπων Aλεξανδρείας
Feast day
The memory of Sts Athanase et Cyrille is celebrated every year on January 18.
free of fasting day (katalysi)
Celebrated first names
Αθανάσιος | Athanase (fr), Athanassios |
Θανασάκης | Thanassakis |
Θανάσης | Thanassis |
Θανάσος | Thanassos |
Θάνος | Thanos |
Κύριλλος | Cyrille (fr), Kyrillos, Cyril (fr , en), Cyril (fr , en) |
Νάσος | Nassos |
Σάκης | Sakis |
Σούλης | Soulis |
Αθανασία | Athanasie (fr), Athanassia |
Θανασία | Thanassia |
Θανασούλα | Thanassoula |
Κυρίλλα | Kyrilla |
Κυρίλλη | Kyrilli |
Κυριλλία | Kyrillia |
Νάσια | Nassia |
Σούλα | Soula |
Take a look at the ephemeris of the day to see other saints and given names celebrated on the same day.